Wednesday, October 21, 2015

YOU are Your Best Gizmo

homeschool atheist homeschool atheist homeschool atheist homeschool atheist homeschool atheist homeschool atheist homeschool atheist homeschool

YOU, yes you.
In the homeschool game, HECK, in life, we find so many gadgets and gimmicks on the market to make things better, faster, quicker. It behooves each of us to be critical thinkers in the marketplace because they know that we are nervous. They know that we want to do better. They know that we are desperate for the magic bullet.

I'm here to tell you the absolute truth, the secret that you have been looking for, the ultimate brass tacks. 
YOU are the best tool at your disposal.

Your curiosity, your passion, the light of your knowledge, your enthusiasm, your questioning, your leadership, your imagination, your thirst. No book, video, website, or gizmo on the market can even come close to comparing to what you have to offer this world, to what you offer to your children. You are actually the best thing in the world that you offer them.

Yes, professional teachers have learned crowd control, education theory, classroom management, teaching strategies, mechanics of teaching. These people learn ALOT! But the best among them are the teachers who bring their own sparkle, their own curiosity, their enthusiasm, their passion. Think about your favorite teachers of all time. Aren't they the ones with a sparkle in their eye? With a yes attitude? Wasn't your favorite teacher the one person who showed you personal attention, who believed in you, who encouraged you to be a better you, who showed you how to learn the material?

It was not the teacher with the best textbook or the best classroom or the best up-to-the-minute materials. It was the person who looked you in the eye and cared. 


Yes of course, learn how to teach writing skills. Learn what type of approach works best for your child or children. Learn better methods for teaching math stuff. Learn more about scientific principles and such. But don't bother to figure out the best way to lecture, to create workbooks and paperwork, to organize projects, to create quizzes and tests, or to test materials because these things are absolutely unnecessary. Because it won't be your lecture skills that draw your kids in. It will be YOU, your excitement and your sparkle.

Who cares what grade level your child is working at? Your children are working at their level. A secret: all children are working at their levels! Who cares what score they get on their math quiz? They either understand or they do not understand the material. Very few homeschooling parents or kids need a quiz to know that information. (Though I understand the level tests when figuring out where to start in a book!)

YOU can do this. Sweet, well-meaning, researching, capable YOU.
Sure, the learning curve can be steep at times, but the kids will see your efforts and know that no one is born knowing everything, that everything we do or become is a result of the passion and effort that we bring to the project.

Trust me.
Trust YOU.
You've got this.

Agree or Disagree?
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